Fremont County

1895 Fremont County

This article appeared in The Silver Hammer published in St. Anthony, Idaho, June 13, 1895. At that time Fremont county covered the areas now encompassed by Bonneville, Jefferson, Madison, Teton, Clark, and Fremont counties, and part of Butte county.

Fremont County has:
    Railways valued at over $1,000,000.
    Room for 150,000 more people.
    Real estate valued at over $2,000,000.
    Hundreds of streams which furnish good water power and water for irrigation in inexhaustible quantity and convenient for various canals.
    A population of over 10,000 which is steadily growing.
    Horses, sheep, cattle, hogs, and other live stock valued at over $1,500,000.
    Great ledges of fine building stone in all colors of the rainbow.
    Nearly 590 miles of canals with as many more contemplated. Most farmers belong to stock companies and water costs not to exceed 25 cents per acre on the average.
    The SILVER HAMMER, which is recognized as the best weekly in Idaho, having a circulation exceeding 1,500 --sworn.
    Mountains of iron and copper--not yet claimed.
    Finest hunting and fishing in the west.
    Ledges of gold and silver ores, which were not discovered until last year. Some day in the near future Fremont County will take rank second to none as a precious mineral producer.
    The two forks of the Snake River and countless tributaries (many un-named) furnishing water sufficient and of easy access to every foot of land in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
    The finest and best body of coal (in Teton Basin) that has ever been found west of Pennsylvania--fine for cooking purposes. These mines now supply the local trade. Though but barely below the surface the quality is far superior to the best produced at Rock Springs.
    Many inviting mountain recluses.
    Two of the best and most convenient routes to Yellowstone National Park, on which it borders.
    Vast grazing lands for cattle and sheep.
    Over 50,000 acres under cultivation: over 200,000 under ditches.
    Farms which produce as high as 60 bushels of wheat per acre.
    Farmers who raise 6 tons of lucern--the great forage plant of arid America--per acre.
    Farms that produce over 400 bushels to the acre of the finest potatoes in the world--excelling the Greeley, Colorado, product.
    Strawberries of luscious flavor, and prodigious in yield, raspberries, black berries, cherries, etc., excelled nowhere. The hardier varieties of large fruits.
    The honor of raising the largest head of grain in the world--prize awarded at the World's Fair.
    More premiums awarded to it for fine ranch products, such as potatoes, cabbage, etc., at the Utah Territorial fair than any county in Utah.
    A healthful climate: fine mountain scenery--the Teton range of mountains-- which are aptly styled the Alps of America, the granduer of which must be seen to be appreciated.
    A good, moral, industrious class of people, who want more neighbors of the same kind.
    A dozen saw mills, as many cheese factories, flouring mills, with a combined capacity of 200 barrels per day, and several other industrial enterprises.
    The headquarters of the Bannock Stake of Zion, Rexburg, where good schools, churches, fairs, etc., abound.
    Several brass bands and musical organizations.
    Ledges of slate, marble and vast deposits of mineral paint the area.
    Many placer miners work the golden sands of the Snake River claimed to be the greatest gold mine in the world.
    St. Anthony, the county seat, which has the finest water power in Idaho, and which will, someday in the near future, coupled with her energetic and enterprising citizens, be a large manufacturing point and commercial center.
    The Teton Basin, which borders onto Wyoming, which for fine farms, mineral wealth and comfortable surroundings will astonish the west.
    The lost River country also a great agricultural section and a mining district, which has a smelter in operation.
    Market Lake, the main railroad shipping point, which leads all the stations north of Ogden on the Utah & Northern, in the amount and value of exportations.
    Rexburg, the pioneer town and settlement in what is known as Fremont County: which is a commercial center, surrounded by good lands: the home of the Mormon Church authorities of Bannock Stake: now the largest town in the county.
    Egin, Edmunds and Parker (better known as the Egin bench) where over 60 bushels to the acre has been raised of wheat, and other grain proportion.
    Menan, which is one of the best improved and most prosperous districts in the county. Also where one of the best mills in the state operates, and where thousands of dollars in gold are being washed from the sands of the Snake River.
    The most and best bridges and public highways in Southern Idaho.
    Lewisville, one of the oldest as well as best settled and improved portion of the county, a center of much progress and contentment.
    Independence and Burton districts where some of the best farming land and finest fowl hunting and fishing in the state can be found. Room there for 200 more families.
    Lyman and Sunny Dell, two of the most favored agricultural regions in the county, close to timber and near several saw mills: also some placer mining.
    Marysville and Fall River country, to the north of St. Anthony, which has earned the distinction of being the "Garden of Eden" because of its natural beauty, prolific crops and because irrigation is not absolutely necessary to get good crops, and now where a 50 mile canal will be built this year, reclaiming over 30,000 acres more land.
    Dubois, a railroad town, where staging to the great Lemhi county, Salmon River country, is done particularly. Surrounded by 500,000 acres of level, rich land, which only requires capitol to bring an abundance of water to reclaim every foot of it.
    Birch Creek, a fine section of the country.
    Arangee, Lake and Howe, near the mountains, trapping, hunting and fishing centers.
    Beaver Canyon, on the railroad, where regular trips are made by the Bassett stage line to Yellowstone Park for the accommodation of tourists.
    Camas, also on the railroad, where a large body of land and much mineral lies in close proximity.
    Teton City and Wilford, near St. Anthony, among the newest settlements as well as the most prosperous settlements of the county. Teton boasts a fine flour mill and both Teton and Wilford are developing into the fine fruit regions. Some of the best improved farms in the state, a sociable and enterprising people.
    Driggs and Haden, in the Teton Basin country, near the coal and mineral mines, which will develop for that valley the "Pittsburg of the west."
    Island Park, a beautiful section--the fisherman's paradise--where salmon trout, brook trout and other fish are abundant.
    The falls of the Snake River, one of the most beautiful sights in Fremont County, at St. Anthony.
    In conclusion Fremont County has every element of wealth needed to sustain a population twice the present population of the entire state, and to keep them profitably employed, happy and contented. Has no wealthy corporations to hold it back and squeeze its life's blood for usury. Her people want more good neighbors. Come to Fremont County.

Contributor: Unknown

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