Fremont County


Fremont County IDGenWeb is a free genealogical site about the history of the Idaho county. It is a member of IDGenWeb, which is a member of USGenWeb®. We hope you find helpful clues for your research of Fremont County ancestors.

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County Coordinator: YOU? Fremont County IDGenWeb is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION. If you are interested in helping, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Temporary County Coordinator: Norma Hass

State Coordinator: Kerry Hairston


Fremont County was established 04 Mar 1893 from a portion of Bingham County. It is located at the top of the Upper Snake River Valley, bounded on the north by the Continental Divide and Montana and on the east by Wyoming. A portion of the county is in the Targee National Forest. Much of the territory is either forest or sagebrush desert.

"Fremont County is named for John C. Fremont, an explorer of the West, known as the Pathfinder. [He passed through the area in 1843.]

The first recorded white visitor to the area was Captain Andrew Henry who established a post on the North Fork of the Snake River about five miles from the present town of St. Anthony. The post was used by several succeeding expeditions into the area.

The first settlement in the county was at Egin Bench in 1879. A bridge was built across the North Fork at St. Anthony Falls in 1887, and a short time later the townsite of St. Anthony was platted. Mormons moved into the area and built farms."

-- The Idaho Almanac, 1977 Edition, State of Idaho

St. Anthony is the county seat.

Scenic attractions include the Upper and Lower Mesa Falls, the St. Anthony Sand Dunes, Big Springs, Henry's Fork of the Snake River, and the Island Park Reservoir. The southwest border of Yellowstone National Park is inside Fremont county. The continental divide ends the county on the north side.

Many early Fremont county settlers were originally from Erie County, Pennsylvania.

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This page was last updated 03/24/2025